Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Designing is sew much fun!

I truly love designing and making projects! I can't believe how lucky and blessed I am, that I get to make such fun stuff! A big factor behind all the things that I make is my very supportive husband. He is my rock and so much more, thanks Rick! While I was playing with (ok, sewing) the Yellow Submarine project, he was powerwashing the driveway. Is that called balance? It works, and I'm grateful.

Quilting, all parts of making a quilt is my thing. But since I've been doing Art & Craft Shows, I've added lots of other items to fill in my booth. I've enjoyed the process, figuring out how to make things on my own, designing things other than quilts.

Again, it goes back to designing, give me a challenge or idea, and I love it! It may take me awhile to mull it over, but I've found that the pondering makes it better. Here are a couple of recent designs..........

Before my granddaughter Alegra was born, Kelly asked me to make a 'tree' wallhanging for her nursery. The design process was going round and round in my mind, emails, phone calls, sketches, and the day before she was born, it just came together in my head. I had the quilt done the next day, the day Alegra was born! Each leaf has a word, things that I wished for sweet Alegra, love, happiness, joy, faith, etc........ Now ideas are swirling about sewing darling clothes for this little sweetheart, she is almost 9 months old!

Pillows! My sister commissioned me to make several throw pillows to go with her new drapes. She wanted a plain pillow with piping. Too boring for me. Instead, I created fun boutique designer pillows, her favorite was this leaf applique. After making her three cool pillows, I sewed the plain one too, thanks L for your support!

This blog is a new type of designing for me, (I'm slowly learning it) thanks to Kelly for getting me going on it! And now Leigh is helping me with an etsy site, what would I do without these wonderful girls!!!

Yellow Submarine

Nick, Max and Caden showing off their new art for their bathroom!
My quilt guild had a challenge called 'name that quilt', it had to be a quilt with the design of a 'song'. I choose "Yellow Submarine", because the boys sing that song. I also choose it because I knew how to incorporate the theme and make it personal for my grandsons, giving it a purpose. My quilt wasn't the viewers choice winner, but I won the best prize,
Nick, Max and Caden love it!!!