Thursday, September 23, 2010

Holy Hill Show

I did the Holy Hill Art and Craft Show on Sept 18th, 2010. It was my first time there and it was incredible! White tents and people everywhere! It's a great show, truly quality merchandise and vendors, I was happy to be there! The day started rainy, stayed overcast, but people just kept coming all day.

Featured Quilter at Ben Franklin Crafts of Oconomowoc

This photo shows some of the quilts that I took out to Ben Franklin Crafts of Oconomowoc, to be part of the Quilt Fest display. We went out to see them the other nite and it was neat to see 23 of my personal quilts hanging in a store for everyone to enjoy. They don't allow photos, so I hope you get a chance to check it out. The quilts are on display threw Sunday, Oct. 3rd. The actual Quilt Fest is the weekend of Oct 2 & 3rd.

Ben Franklin is at 1083 Summit Ave., Oconomowoc, WI
Store Hours are: Monday - Friday 9-9 ~ Saturday 9-6 ~ Sunday 10-5
Check out their class schedule, I am teaching some classes there too!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Woodland Made Designs - my etsy store!

I have been busy working on my etsy store, thanks to a push from my daughter, it's open! Please check it out!

For those of you not familiar with 'etsy' it is an online source for 'handmade items', you can literally find it all there. Each artist has their own 'store', making all the items and posting them online for everyone to see. It is absolutely amazing!

Right now I have a sample of my work posted, and I will be adding to it daily, so please visit it often. Very exciting, sharing the items I create with such a huge dedicated audience!